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Interface: IHeapEdges

A pseudo array containing all heap graph edges (references to heap objects in heap). A JS heap could contain millions of references, so memlab uses a pseudo array as the collection of all the heap edges. The pseudo array provides API to query and traverse all heap references.

readonly modifying this pseudo array is not recommended

  • Examples:
import type {IHeapSnapshot, IHeapEdges} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

const edges: IHeapEdges = heap.edges;
edges.forEach((edge, i) => {
if (stopIteration) {
return false;


length: number

The total number of edges in heap graph (or JS references in heap snapshot).



Iterate over all array elements and apply the callback to each element in ascending order of element index.

  • Parameters:
    • callback: (edge: IHeapEdge, index: number) => boolean | void | the callback does not need to return any value, if the callback returns false when iterating on element at index i, then all elements after i won't be iterated.
  • Returns: void
  • Source:


get an IHeapEdge element at the specified index

  • Parameters:

    • index: number | the index of an element in the pseudo array, the index ranges from 0 to array length - 1. Notice that this is not the heap node id.
  • Returns: Nullable<IHeapEdge> | When 0 <= index < array.length, this API returns the element at the specified index, otherwise it returns null.

  • Source: