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Getting Started

In this section, you will learn how to use memlab to detect a memory leak. Please make sure you have completed a installation step in your local machine. We start with defining the scenario file where we specify how memlab should interact with our page.

Write a Test Scenario

A scenario file is a js file that exports functions to provide details about how to navigate to and interact with your page. Now let's copy the following example and save it as ~/memlab/scenario.js file somewhere we can find later.

// initial page load's url
function url() {
return "";

// action where you suspect the memory leak might be happening
async function action(page) {

// how to go back to the state before action
async function back(page) {

module.exports = { action, back, url };

For more details, check out the IScenario API doc.


Feel free to save the scenario file anywhere. We will be running memlab with this file shortly.

Running memlab

Run memlab in your console to make sure it is installed. You should see the help instructions in console.

Now let's pass the ~/memlab/scenario.js file we created earlier to memlab as shown below:

$ memlab run --scenario ~/memlab/scenario.js

It is highly recommended that the web app under test serves unminified code, which makes the retainer trace and symbols in leak report easier to understand.

memlab will lively update a breadcrumb showing the progress of interaction with the target web page:

page-load(baseline)[s1] > action-on-page(target)[s2] > revert(final)[s3]
Connecting to web server...

After memlab finishes running, the console will show the JavaScript heap size of each navigation step and all leak objects grouped by their potential root causes. The details may differ in your case but it will be something like:

page-load[23MB](baseline)[s1] > action-on-page[37.3MB](target)[s2] > revert[35.9MB](final)[s3]

A breakdown of each step in the breadcrumb:

  • page-load (baseline) - this is our starting point where we see how much memory was allocated when the page is loaded
  • action-on-page(target) - after performing the action - in our case, it is clicking the link with id "video-title-link" - we see how much memory was allocated
  • revert(final) - this is when we perform the back/reverse action. In this example, it is going back to the home page.

Continue reading here on how to debug the memory leak traces reported by memlab.

Click here if you would like to learn how memlab detects memory leak.