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Interface: IHeapSnapshot

A heap snapshot is generally a graph where graph nodes are JS heap objects and graph edges are JS references among JS heap objects. For more details on the structure of nodes and edges in the heap graph, check out IHeapNode and IHeapEdge.


edges: IHeapEdges

A pseudo array containing all heap graph edges (references to heap objects in heap). A JS heap could contain millions of references, so memlab uses a pseudo array as the collection of all the heap edges. The pseudo array provides API to query and traverse all heap references.

  • Examples:
import type {IHeapSnapshot, IHeapEdge} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

// get the total number of heap references

heap.edges.forEach((edge: IHeapEdge) => {
// traverse each reference in the heap

nodes: IHeapNodes

A pseudo array containing all heap graph nodes (JS objects in heap). A JS heap could contain millions of heap objects, so memlab uses a pseudo array as the collection of all the heap objects. The pseudo array provides API to query and traverse all heap objects.

  • Examples:
import type {IHeapSnapshot, IHeapNode} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

// get the total number of heap objects

heap.nodes.forEach((node: IHeapNode) => {
// traverse each heap object



Search for the heap and get one of the JS object instances with a specified constructor name (if there is any).

  • Parameters:

    • className: string | The constructor name of the object instance
  • Returns: Nullable<IHeapNode> | a handle pointing to any one of the object instances, returns null if no such object exists in the heap.

  • Examples:

import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {takeNodeMinimalHeap} from '@memlab/core';

class TestObject {
public arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
public arr2 = ['1', '2', '3'];

(async function () {
const obj = new TestObject();
// get a heap snapshot of the current program state
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await takeNodeMinimalHeap();

const node = heap.getAnyObjectWithClassName('TestObject');
console.log(node?.name); // should be 'TestObject'


If you have the id of a heap node (JS object in heap), use this API to get an IHeapNode associated with the id.

  • Parameters:

    • id: number | id of the heap node (JS object in heap) you would like to query
  • Returns: Nullable<IHeapNode> | the API returns null if no heap object has the specified id.

  • Examples:

import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

const node = heap.getNodeById(351);
node?.id; // should be 351


Given a set of ids of heap nodes (JS objects in heap), use this API to get a set of those heap nodes.

  • Parameters:

    • ids: Set<number> | id set of the heap nodes (JS objects in heap) you would like to query
  • Returns: Set<IHeapNode> | a set of those heap nodes. The set will only include nodes that are found in the heap. If none of the input ids are found, this API will return an empty set.

  • Examples:

import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

// suppose 1000 is not a valid id in the heap
const set = heap.getNodesByIdSet(new Set([1, 2, 1000, 3]));
set // should be Set([node1, node2, node3])


Given an array of ids of heap nodes (JS objects in heap), use this API to get an array of those heap nodes.

  • Parameters:

    • ids: number[] | id array of the heap nodes (JS objects in heap) you would like to query
  • Returns: Nullable<IHeapNode>[] | an array of those heap nodes. The return array will preserve the order of the input array. If an id is not found in the heap, the corresponding element in the return array will be null.

  • Examples:

import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

// suppose 1000 is not a valid id in the heap
const nodes = heap.getNodesByIds([1, 2, 1000, 3]);
nodes // should be [node1, node2, null, node3]


Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with a specified constructor name.

  • Parameters:

    • className: string | The constructor name of the object instance
  • Returns: boolean | true if there is at least one such object in the heap

  • Examples: you can write a jest unit test with memory assertions:

// save as example.test.ts
import type {IHeapSnapshot, Nullable} from '@memlab/core';
import {config, takeNodeMinimalHeap} from '@memlab/core';

class TestObject {
public arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
public arr2 = ['1', '2', '3'];

test('memory test with heap assertion', async () => {
config.muteConsole = true; // no console output

let obj: Nullable<TestObject> = new TestObject();
// get a heap snapshot of the current program state
let heap: IHeapSnapshot = await takeNodeMinimalHeap();

// call some function that may add references to obj

obj = null;

heap = await takeNodeMinimalHeap();
// if rabbitHole does not have any side effect that
// adds new references to obj, then obj can be GCed

}, 30000);


Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with a specified property name.

  • Parameters:

    • nameOrIndex: string | number | The property name (string) or element index (number) on the object instance
  • Returns: boolean | returns true if there is at least one such object in the heap

  • Examples:

import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
import {getFullHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';

(async function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const object = {'memlab-test-heap-property': 'memlab-test-heap-value'};

const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getFullHeapFromFile(heapFile);

// should be true


Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with a marker tagged by tagObject.

The tagObject API does not modify the object instance in any way (e.g., no additional or hidden properties added to the tagged object).

  • Parameters:
    • tag: string | marker name on the object instances tagged by tagObject
  • Returns: boolean | returns true if there is at least one such object in the heap
import type {IHeapSnapshot, AnyValue} from '@memlab/core';
import {config, takeNodeMinimalHeap, tagObject} from '@memlab/core';

test('memory test', async () => {
config.muteConsole = true;
const o1: AnyValue = {};
let o2: AnyValue = {};

// tag o1 with marker: "memlab-mark-1", does not modify o1 in any way
tagObject(o1, 'memlab-mark-1');
// tag o2 with marker: "memlab-mark-2", does not modify o2 in any way
tagObject(o2, 'memlab-mark-2');

o2 = null;

const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await takeNodeMinimalHeap();

// expect object with marker "memlab-mark-1" exists

// expect object with marker "memlab-mark-2" can be GCed

}, 30000);
  • Properties
    • edges: IHeapEdges
    • nodes: IHeapNodes
  • Methods
    • getAnyObjectWithClassName(className)
    • getNodeById(id)
    • getNodesByIdSet(ids)
    • getNodesByIds(ids)
    • hasObjectWithClassName(className)
    • hasObjectWithPropertyName(nameOrIndex)
    • hasObjectWithTag(tag)