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npm install -g memlab



To build from the Git repository on Windows, please use Git Bash.


To check if the installation completed, run memlab help in your console, you should see helper text as follows (view the documentation for each command here):

$ memlab help

memlab: memory leak detector for front-end JS


memlab run --scenario <TEST_SCENARIO_FILE>
Find memory leaks in web apps
Options: --work-dir --headful --full --skip-screenshot --skip-gc
--skip-scroll --skip-extra-ops --local-puppeteer
--scenario --chromium-binary --protocol-timeout --device
--user-agent --disable-xvfb --disable-web-security
--rewrite-js --log-script --worker --leak-filter
--ignore-leak-cluster-size-below --trace-all-objects
--save-trace-as-unclassified-cluster --ml-clustering
--ml-linkage-max-dist --ml-clustering-max-df

memlab list
List all test scenarios

memlab trace --node-id=<HEAP_OBJECT_ID>
Report retainer trace of a specific node, use with --nodeId
Options: --snapshot --snapshot-dir --engine --node-id

memlab find-leaks
Find memory leaks in heap snapshots
Options: --baseline --target --final --snapshot-dir --engine
--leak-filter --trace-object-size-above
--ignore-leak-cluster-size-below --trace-all-objects
--save-trace-as-unclassified-cluster --ml-clustering
--ml-linkage-max-dist --ml-clustering-max-df
--clean-up-snapshot --work-dir

Run heap analysis on heap snapshots.
Options: --analysis-plugin --heap-parser-dict-fast-store-size

memlab help <COMMAND> [SUB-COMMANDS]
List all MemLab CLI commands or print helper text for a specific command

memlab diff-leaks
Find new memory leaks by diffing control and test heap snapshots
Options: --control-snapshot --control-work-dir
--treatment-snapshot --treatment-work-dir --engine
--leak-filter --trace-object-size-above
--ignore-leak-cluster-size-below --trace-all-objects
--save-trace-as-unclassified-cluster --ml-clustering
--ml-linkage-max-dist --ml-clustering-max-df
--max-cluster-sample-size --trace-contains
--heap-parser-dict-fast-store-size --work-dir

memlab heap --snapshot <HEAP_SNAPSHOT_FILE>
Interactive command to explore a single heap snapshot
Options: --snapshot --engine --heap-parser-dict-fast-store-size

memlab view-heap --snapshot <HEAP_SNAPSHOT_FILE>
Interactive command to view a single heap snapshot
Options: --snapshot --engine --node-id --ml-clustering --work-dir


memlab version
Show the versions of all memlab packages installed

memlab reset
Reset and initialize all directories
Options: --work-dir

memlab measure --scenario <TEST_SCENARIO_FILE>
Run test scenario in measure mode
Options: --headful --run-num --app --interaction --full
--skip-snapshot --skip-screenshot --skip-gc --skip-scroll
--skip-extra-ops --run-mode --local-puppeteer --scenario
--chromium-binary --protocol-timeout --device
--user-agent --disable-xvfb --disable-web-security
--rewrite-js --log-script --work-dir

memlab warmup --scenario <TEST_SCENARIO_FILE>
Warm up the target app
Options: --headful --app --interaction --run-mode
--local-puppeteer --scenario --chromium-binary
--protocol-timeout --device --user-agent --disable-xvfb
--disable-web-security --skip-warmup --rewrite-js
--log-script --work-dir

memlab get-default-work-dir
Query the default working directory

memlab snapshot --scenario <TEST_SCENARIO_FILE>
Interact with web app and take heap snapshots
Options: --headful --app --interaction --full --skip-snapshot
--skip-screenshot --skip-gc --skip-scroll
--skip-extra-ops --run-mode --local-puppeteer --scenario
--chromium-binary --protocol-timeout --device
--user-agent --disable-xvfb --disable-web-security
--rewrite-js --log-script --worker --work-dir

memlab warmup-and-snapshot --scenario <TEST_SCENARIO_FILE>
Warm up server and take heap snapshots
Options: --work-dir --headful --app --interaction --run-mode
--local-puppeteer --scenario --chromium-binary
--protocol-timeout --device --user-agent --disable-xvfb
--disable-web-security --skip-warmup --rewrite-js
--log-script --full --skip-snapshot --skip-screenshot
--skip-gc --skip-scroll --skip-extra-ops --worker