Here is a list of common issues we have seen when testing the rendering pipeline. Feel free to add more to this document if you encounter more and believe other people will benefit from knowing how you resolved this issue!
RabbitMQ "driver failed programming..."
This means you already have RabbitMQ running somewhere on your host, which either means you have it directly running on your computer or you have another Docker container that is running it. This causes an error, since we are trying to bind to an already allocated port.
RabbitMQ is running on your host
ps -aux | grep rabbitmq
If this comes up with a result, kill all the processes referenced, by doing:
kill -9 <pid>
Another container is running RabbitMQ
If the above didn't solve your problem, run:
docker ps
See if there are any containers running, and if there are, use:
docker rm -f <container_name>
Accessing workers' logs
For debugging purposes, we have worker logs that are periodically pulled from your render location, whether that be on AWS or locally. If you are trying to report an issue, this log is crucial for us to help you! The logs (for both local and AWS renders) are located in
where <AWS-id>
is the instance ID of the worker, which can be found in the EC2 dashboard.
There's a stalled job on my RabbitMQ queue
We automatically flush the queue on new renders. But, if you wish to manually flush it, ssh into your staging machine and run the following:
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
run.py dies without error message
This could be caused by any number of things. To narrow down the cause, run:
docker logs -f $(docker ps -n1 -q)
Sending that information will make it easier for us to diagnose and resolve the issue!
How do I log into the render container?
The render job is run either on your staging machine or in the local container, depending on your configuration.
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q) /bin/bash
docker exec -it $(docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}' | awk 'NR==1{print $1}') /bin/bash
ssh -i /key.pem ubuntu@<ec2_staging_ip>
Now find a pod to log into using:
kubectl get pods
Taking any pod ID (the first column), run:
kubectl exec -it <pod_id> /bin/bash
When creating the staging machine, I get "Permission denied (public key)"
This usually has to do with some conflicting permissions issue and is resolved by
closing the UI, deleting the local AWS directory (<project_root>/aws
), and starting the UI again.
I stopped kubernetes before it validated the cluster
This means we need to manually delete it from the staging machine, since the Terminate button in UI will be grayed out. ssh into your staging machine and run:
export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=<username>.facebook360.k8s.local
kops delete cluster --yes
where <username>
is the your AWS IAM user.