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For quick reference, here is a list of the binaries in our repository and descriptions of their uses along with an example.
Aligns colors using separate (calibrated) color rigs.
./AlignColors \
--first=000000 \
--last=000000 \
--output=/path/to/output \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--calibrated_rig=/path/to/rigs/rig_calibrated.json \
--rig_blue=/path/to/rigs/rig_blue.json \
--rig_green=/path/to/rigs/rig_green.json \
Aligns point cloud to camera rig. The transformation includes translation, rotation and scaling.
./AlignPointCloud \
--color=/path/to/background/color \
--point_cloud=/path/to/lidar/points.pts \
--rig_in=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Calibrates an uncalibrated rig by feature matching and performing geometric calibration on a sample frame.
./Calibration \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--matches=/path/to/output/matches.json \
--rig_in=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--rig_out=/path/to/rigs/rig_calibrated.json \
Calibrates an uncalibrated rig by feature matching and performing geometric calibration on a sample frame. Unlike Calibration, this app takes fixed command line arguments.
./CalibrationLibMain \
/path/to/rigs/rig_calibrated.json \
/path/to/output/matches.json \
/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Computes rephotography error for a set of frames. Rephotography error for a single frame is computed by generating cubemaps for both the reference and the rendered data, translating the cubemap origin to the center of the reference camera, and computing the MSSIM for each camera.
./ComputeRephotographyErrors \
--first=000000 \
--last=000000 \
--output=/path/to/output \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
Expects all files to be in the format <dir>/<camera>/<frame>.extension
./ConvertToBinary \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--first=000000 \
--last=000000 \
--disparity=/path/to/output/disparity \
--bin=/path/to/output/bin \
Creates an OBJ (optionally with texturing) from a disparity equirect.
./CreateObjFromDisparityEquirect \
--input_png_color=/path/to/equirects/color.png \
--input_png_disp=/path/to/equirects/disparity.png \
Runs depth estimation on a set of frames. We assume the inputs have already been resized into the appropriate pyramid level widths before execution. See scripts/render/config.py to see the assumed widths.
./DerpCLI \
--input_root=/path/to/ \
--output_root=/path/to/output \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--first=000000 \
Generates a series of images of the rig cameras projected into destination cameras over a series of fixed depths.
./GenerateCameraOverlaps \
--frame=000000 \
--output=/path/to/output \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
A typical extension of this is creating a video over the series of depth generated, i.e.:
ffmpeg -framerate 10 -pattern_type glob \
-i '/path/to/output/overlaps/cam0/*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \
-vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" /path/to/output/overlaps/cam0.mp4 -y
Generates an equirect from a set of color images at a uniformly spaced range of depths.
./GenerateEquirect \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--output=/path/to/output \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--frame=000000 \
--depth_min=1.0 \
--depth_max=1000.0 \
Generates foreground masks for a series of frames assuming a fixed background. Various parameters can be tweaked to improve the mask accuracy.
./GenerateForegroundMasks \
--first=000000 \
--last=000000 \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--background_color=/path/to/background/color \
Reprojects a grid of keypoints to another camera at different depths.
./GenerateKeypointProjections \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Performs geometric calibration on a sample frame. The results of the feature matcher should be available before execution.
./GeometricCalibration \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--matches=/path/to/output/matches.json \
--rig_in=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--rig_out=/path/to/rigs/rig_calibrated.json \
Compute initial depth for every camera Repeat pass_count times: Clean away depths that are implausible Recompute depths using clean depths to estimate occlusions
GeometricConsistency \
--color /path/to/color \
--output /path/to/output \
--rig /path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--first 000000 \
--last 000000
OpenGL-based viewer for binary 6dof data files.
Keyboard navigation: w, a, s, d as well as [, and ] will rotate the view. Hold down shift to move the viewpoint instead. z, and x move forward and backward.
Mouse navigation: Drag the mouse to rotate. hold down shift to unlock the vertical axis. Right button drag the mouse to pan. hold down shift to unlock the vertical axis.
Misc: Hit 'r' to reset the view to what was on the command line. Hit 'p' to dump the current view parameters in the command line format.
./GlViewer \
--rig=/path/to/output/fused/rig_calibrated.json \
--catalog=/path/to/output/fused/fused.json \
Layers foreground disparity atop background disparity assuming nans to correspond to locations without valid disparities.
./LayerDisparities \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--background_disp=/path/to/background/disparity \
--foreground_disp=/path/to/output/disparity \
--output=/path/to/output \
--first=000000 \
Performs feature matching on a sample frame.
./MatchCorners \
--color=/path/to/video/color \
--matches=/path/to/output/matches.json \
--rig_in=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Converts a RAW image to RGB using a given ISP configuration.
./RawToRgb \
--input_image_path=/path/to/video/color/000000.raw \
--output_image_path=/path/to/video/color/000000.png \
Aligns the scale, position, and orientation of the input rig to a reference rig via rescaling, translating, and rotating respectively. These can be selectively locked.
./RigAligner \
--rig_in=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--rig_reference=/path/to/rigs/reference.json \
Miscellaneous analysis utilities for a rig. Various output formats are supported to visualize the rig setup (e.g. equirect projection).
./RigAnalyzer \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Performs a camera-to-camera compare between an input rig and a reference rig.
./RigCompare \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
Render an artificial scene as seen by the specified rig.
./RigSimulator \
--mode=pinhole_ring \
Runs temporal filter across disparity frames using corresponding color frames as guides.
./TemporalBilateralFilter \
--input_root=/path/to/ \
--output_root=/path/to/output \
--rig=/path/to/rigs/rig.json \
--first=000000 \