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pcre & ipcre

To use this feature, you must configure watchman --with-pcre!

The pcre expression performs a Perl Compatible Regular Expression match against the basename of the file. This pattern matches test_plan.php but not mytest_plan:

["pcre", "^test_"]

You may optionally provide a third argument to change the scope of the match from the basename to the wholename of the file.

["pcre", "txt", "basename"]
["pcre", "txt", "wholename"]

pcre is case sensitive; for case insensitive matching use ipcre instead; it behaves identically to pcre except that the match is performed ignoring case.

Since 2.9.9.

Starting in version 2.9.9, on macOS systems where the watched root is a case insensitive filesystem (this is the common case for macOS), pcre is equivalent to ipcre.

Since 4.7.

You can override the case sensitivity of all name matching operations used in the query by setting the case_sensitive field in your query.