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name & iname

The name expression performs exact matches against file names. By default it is scoped to the basename of the file:

["name", "Makefile"]

You may specify multiple names to match against by setting the second argument to an array:

["name", ["foo.txt", "Makefile"]]

This second form can be accelerated and is preferred over an anyof construction.

You may change the scope of the match via the optional third argument:

["name", "path/to/file.txt", "wholename"]
["name", ["path/to/one", "path/to/two"], "wholename"]

Finally, you may specify case insensitive evaluation by using iname instead of name.

Since 2.9.9.

Starting in version 2.9.9, on macOS systems where the watched root is a case insensitive filesystem (this is the common case for macOS), name is equivalent to iname.

Since 4.7.

You can override the case sensitivity of all name matching operations used in the query by setting the case_sensitive field in your query.