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Since 5.0

watchman-replicate-subscription can replicate an existing watchman subscription. It queries watchman for a list of subscriptions, identifies the source subscription (the subscription to replicate) and subscribes to watchman using the same query.

Integrators can use this client to validate the watchman notifications their client is receiving to localize anomalous behavior.

The source subscription is identified using any combination of the 'name', 'pid', and 'client' arguments. The provided combination must uniquely identify a subscription. Source subscription details for a watched root can be retrieved by running the command 'watchman-replicate-subscription --list PATH'.

By default, the replicated subscription will take the source subscription name and prepend the substring 'replicate: ' to it. The 'qname' option can be used to specify the replicated subscription name.

The subscription can stop after a configurable number of events are observed. The default is a single event. You may also remove the limit and allow it to execute continuously.

watchman-replicate-subscription will print one event per line. The event information is determined by the fields in the identified subscription, with each field separated by a space (or your choice of --separator).

Subscription state-enter and state-leave PDUs will be interleaved with other events. Known subscription PDUs (currently only those generated by the mercurial fsmonitor extension) will be enclosed in square brackets. All others will be output in JSON format.

Events are consolidated and settled by the watchman server before they are dispatched to watchman-replicate-subscription.

watchman-replicate-subscription requires pywatchman (and thus requires python) as well as watchman.

Source subscription

$ watchman-replicate-subscription PATH -n NAME

The source subscription must be an existing subscription for the provided path. Any combination of the 'name', 'pid', and 'client' arguments can be used provided they uniquely identify a subscription. Source subscription details for a watched root can be retrieved as follows:

$ watchman-replicate-subscriptions PATH --list

The subscription name, pid and client can then used to replicate the subscription.

$ watchman-replicate-subscription PATH -n NAME -c CLIENT -p PID

Controlling lifetime

There are two primary controls for how long watchman-replicate-subscription will run:

  • -t or --timeout places a time limit on execution
  • -m or --max-events places a limit on the number of events to process

watchman-replicate-subscription will terminate when either the timeout is hit or the max events limit is hit.

By default there is no time limit, but there is a default limit of a single event.

You may specify --max-events 0 to disable the event limit.

Controlling output

watchman-replicate-subscription will output one line per event. The following options influence the output:

  • --separator STRING - if you specified multiple fields, the separator string will be used when printing them. The default is --separator " " which will print the fields with spaces between them.

Exit Status

The following exit status codes can be used to determine what caused watchman-replicate-subscription to exit:

  • 0 is returned after successfully waiting for event(s) or listing matching subscriptions
  • 1 in case of a runtime error of some kind
  • 2 the -t/--timeout option was used and that amount of time passed before an event was received
  • 3 if execution was interrupted (Ctrl-C)