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Since 1.6.

$ watchman -j <<-EOT
["query", "/path/to/root", {
"suffix": "php",
"expression": ["allof",
["type", "f"],
["not", "empty"],
["ipcre", "test", "basename"]
"fields": ["name"]

Executes a query against the specified root. This example uses the -j flag to the watchman binary that tells it to read stdin and interpret it as the JSON request object to send to the watchman service. This flag allows you to send in a pretty JSON object (as shown above), but if you're using the socket interface you must still format the object as a single line JSON request as documented in the protocol spec.

The first argument to query is the path to the watched root. The second argument holds a JSON object describing the query to be run. The query object is processed by passing it to the query engine (see File Queries) which will generate a set of matching files.

The query command will then consult the fields member of the query object; if it is not present it will default to:

"fields": ["name", "exists", "new", "size", "mode"]

For each file in the result set, the query command will generate a JSON object value populated with the requested fields. For example, the default set of fields will return a response something like this:

"version": "2.9",
"clock": "c:80616:59",
"is_fresh_instance": false,
"files": [
"exists": true,
"mode": 33188,
"new": false,
"name": "argv.c",
"size": 1340,

If a field's value cannot be computed, a field's value may be null, or may be an object with an error key containing a descriptive message string:

"version": "2019-07-22T13:50:36Z",
"is_fresh_instance": false,
"clock": "c:1563834049:1830370:791543813:2257494",
"files": [
"content.sha1hex": null,
"name": "docs"
"symlink_target": null,
"type": "d",
"content.sha1hex": {
"error": "eloop: file is a symlink: Invalid argument: Invalid argument"
"type": "l",
"symlink_target": "eloop",
"name": "eloop"

For queries using the since generator, the is_fresh_instance member is true if the particular clock value indicates that it was returned by a different instance of watchman, or a named cursor hasn't been seen before. In that case, only files that currently exist will be returned, and all files will have new set to true. For all other queries, is_fresh_instance will always be true. Advanced users may set the input parameter empty_on_fresh_instance to true, in which case no files will be returned for fresh instances.

If the fields member consists of a single entry, the files result will be a simple array of values; ~"fields": ["name"]~ produces:

"version": "1.5",
"clock": "c:80616:59",
"files": ["argv.c", "foo.c"]

Available fields

  • name - string: the filename, relative to the watched root
  • exists - bool: true if the file exists, false if it has been deleted
  • cclock - string: the "created clock"; the clock value when we first observed the file, or the clock value when it last switched from !exists to exists.
  • oclock - string: the "observed clock"; the clock value where we last observed some change in this file or its metadata.
  • ctime, ctime_ms, ctime_us, ctime_ns, ctime_f - last inode change time measured in integer seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds or floating point seconds respectively.
  • mtime, mtime_ms, mtime_us, mtime_ns, mtime_f - modified time measured in integer seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds or floating point seconds respectively.
  • size - integer: file size in bytes
  • mode - integer: file (or directory) mode expressed as a decimal integer
  • uid - integer: the owning uid
  • gid - integer: the owning gid
  • ino - integer: the inode number
  • dev - integer: the device number
  • nlink - integer: number of hard links
  • new - bool: whether this entry is newer than the since generator criteria

Since 3.1.

Since 4.6.

  • symlink_target - string: the target of a symbolic link if the file is a symbolic link

Since 4.9.

  • content.sha1hex - string: the SHA-1 digest of the file's byte content, encoded as 40 hexidecimal digits (e.g. "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" for an empty file)

Synchronization timeout (since 2.1)

By default a query will wait for up to 60 seconds for the view of the filesystem to become current. Watchman decides that the view is current by creating a cookie file and waiting to observe the notification that it is present. If the cookie is not observed within the sync_timeout period then the query invocation will error out with a synchronization error message.

If your synchronization requirements differ from the default, you may pass in your desired timeout when you construct your query; it must be an integer value expressed in milliseconds:

["query", "/path/to/root", {
"expression": ["exists"],
"fields": ["name"],
"sync_timeout": 60000

You may specify 0 as the value if you do not wish for the query to create a cookie and synchronize; the query will be evaluated over the present view of the tree, which may lag behind the present state of the filesystem.

Lock timeout

Since 4.6.

By default queries will wait for up to 60 seconds to acquire a lock to inspect the view of the filesystem tree. In practice, this timeout should never be hit (it is indicative of an environmental or load related issue). However, in some situations it is important to ensure that the query attempt times out sooner than this. You may use the lock_timeout field to control this behavior. lock_timeout must be an integer value expressed in milliseconds:

["query", "/path/to/root", {
"expression": ["exists"],
"fields": ["name"],
"lock_timeout": 60000,
"sync_timeout": 60000

Prior to version 4.6, the lock_timeout could not be configured and had an effective value of infinity.

Case sensitivity

Since 2.9.9.

On systems where the watched root is a case insensitive filesystem (this is the common case for macOS and Windows), various name matching operations default to case insensitive.

Since 4.7.

You may override the case sensitivity of the various name matching operations by setting the case_sensitive field in your query spec. It default to the case sensitivity of the watched root. This is useful in cases where you know that the contents of the tree are treated case sensitively by your various tools but are running on a case insensitive filesystem. By forcing the name matches to case sensitive mode the matches are faster and in some cases can be accelerated by using alternative algorithms.

$ watchman -j <<-EOT
["query", "/path/to/root", {
"suffix": "php",
"expression": ["match", "foo*.c", "basename"],
"case_sensitive": true,
"fields": ["name"]

Directory Events

Generally, Watchman should report changes to directories for all queries.

On EdenFS repositories there is an exception. When the user has changed commits in the duration of a time query, directory changes may not be reported across those commit changes.

the option always_include_directories exists to include events for directories across commit transitions. This is only supported for mercurial. This can be expensive, so clients who do not need this are recommended not to use this. This value defaults to false.