The fbt framework has two (mostly) equivalent APIs: A JSX-style <fbt> tag API and a "vanilla" or "functional" fbt(...) API that more closely resembles standard JavaScript. In general, you can compose your translatable text in either format. As the following example illustrates, the child of the <fbt> tag shows up as the first argument to fbt and any attributes show up in the optional third argument parameter. The desc (text description) argument is the exception to this rule because it is a required parameter and attribute in fbt(...) and <fbt> respectively.

Let's start with a simple example:

JSX <fbt /> API

<fbt project="foo" desc="a simple example">
Hello, World!

Required attributes

  • desc: description of text to be translated

Optional attributes

  • author string: Text author
  • project string: Project to which the text belongs
  • preserveWhitespace bool: (Default: false) FBT normally consolidates whitespace down to one space (' '). Turn this off by setting this to true
  • subject IntlVariations.GENDER_*: Pass an implicit subject gender to a partially formed text
  • common bool: Use a "common" string repository
  • doNotExtract bool: Informs collection to skip this string (useful for tests/mocks)

"Vanilla" fbt(...) API

fbt('Hello, World', 'a simple example', {project:"foo"})

Required arguments

  1. Text to translate
  2. Description of text to be translated

Optional parameters

  1. Options object - same optional arguments as the <fbt> attributes above

Docblock defaults

Defaults for the above optional attributes may be provided in the docblock with the @fbt pragma. It uses a straight JSON.parse to interpret this, so you'll have to make sure your object is parseable. (i.e. keys should be wrapped in "double quotes")


* @fbt {"author": "me", "project": "awesome sauce"}

Can I enforce fbt strings to be rendered only as plain-text?

Yes, please use the fbs API as per this documentation.

Custom Fbt API attributes

The Fbt library supports the ability to define custom attributes/options that enable developers to customize how to render fbt result strings on the client-side.

NOTE: these options do not have any effect on how we extract fbt strings.

To configure this, you'll need to define the extra options to the babel-plugin-fbt Babel plugin as part of your general Babel config. (See also Babel plugin config)

Example of Babel plugin config

"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-fbt", {
"extraOptions": {
"aStringOption": true,
"aStringEnumOption": {
"yes": true,
"no": true,

Then, you can use these new options in your JS code as follow:

<fbt desc="..."
aStringOption="any text"
fbt('...', '...', {
aStringOption: 'any text',
aStringEnumOption: 'yes'

Eventually, on the client-side, these option values will be exposed to the getFbtResult hook. See this unit test for example.

Last updated on by David Han-Sze-Chuen