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Theming components

React Strict DOM provides a flexible theming API that makes it easy to apply themed values to entire trees of components using CSS variables.


Variables must be defined in a file that matches the following file extension pattern: .stylex.{js,jsx,mjs,ts,tsx}. Only CSS variables can be defined in these files. And every css.defineVars call must be a named export.

Defining variables

CSS variables are defined with a call to css.defineVars. This defines global variables which can then be imported as constants for use in any style rules. These variables and their values are essentially a "default theme".

import { css } from 'react-strict-dom';

export const tokens = css.defineVars({
primaryText: 'black',
secondaryText: '#333',
accent: 'blue',
background: 'white',
lineColor: 'gray'

Any theme can define a "dark mode" alternate – which is automatically applied when the OS theme matches – by specifying different values for the prefers-color-scheme Media Query:

import { css } from 'react-strict-dom';

const darkMode = '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)';

export const colors = css.defineVars({
primaryText: {
default: 'black',
[darkMode]: 'white'
secondaryText: {
default: '#333',
[darkMode]: '#ccc'
accent: {
default: 'blue',
[darkMode]: 'lightblue'
background: {
default: 'white',
[darkMode]: 'black'
lineColor: {
default: 'gray',
[darkMode]: 'lightgray'

Using variables in styles

Once variables have been defined, they can be imported and used directly in style rules created with css.create.

import { css } from 'react-strict-dom';
import { colors } from './tokens.stylex';

const styles = css.create({
container: {
color: colors.primaryText,
backgroundColor: colors.background,

Using variables to create themes

If an app supports multiple themes, these can be created by using css.createTheme to define new values for the global variables defined by the default theme. Named groups of variables can be imported and passed to css.createTheme with new values specified.

Themes can be created with css.createTheme anywhere in a codebase, and passed around across files or components.

import { css } from 'react-strict-dom';
import { colors, spacing } from './tokens.stylex';

const darkMode = '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)';

const themeColors = css.createTheme(colors, {
primaryText: {default: 'purple', [darkMode]: 'lightpurple'},
secondaryText: {default: 'pink', [darkMode]: 'hotpink'},
accent: 'red',
background: {default: '#555', [darkMode]: 'black'},
lineColor: 'red',

const themeSpacing = css.createTheme(spacing, {

export const theme = [ themeColors, themeSpacing ];

Using themes

The return value of css.createTheme is a style object similar to the ones created with css.create. These theme objects can be applied to any element using the style prop. The themed values of the variables will then be applied to all elements in the subtree that are using the global variables.

import { css, html } from 'react-strict-dom';
import { colors, spacing } from './tokens.stylex';
import { theme } from './theme';

const styles = css.create({
container: {
color: colors.primaryText,
backgroundColor: colors.background,
padding: spacing.medium,

const Foo = () => (
<html.div style={[ theme, styles.container ]} />

This is a flexible pattern that allows you to style components using variables, and then re-theme entire trees by applying a theme to just one element at the root of any subtree. For example, if you have multiple themes you might create a Theme component that makes it easy for product engineers to select a theme by name.

import { css, html } from 'react-strict-dom';
import { marsTheme } from './marsTheme';
import { venusTheme } from './venusTheme';

const styles = css.create({
displayContents: {
display: 'contents'

const Theme = (props) => {
const theme = === 'venus' ? venusTheme : marsTheme;
return (
style={[ theme, styles.displayContents ]}

Simply wrapping a component in the Theme component will ensure that the specified theme overrides the values of variables for all descandant elements.

import { ProfilePage } from './ProfilePage';
import { Theme } from './Theme';

const App = () => (
<Theme name={app.activeTheme}>
<ProfilePage user={user} />