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Babel preset

React Strict DOM includes a Babel preset to optimize builds. This preset is required on web.


The preset ensures that production builds have no runtime performance overhead on web relative to using React DOM with an advanced atomic CSS solution like StyleX. The preset is required to extract styles to static CSS and optimize element rendering.

Import the preset from the react-strict-dom/babel-preset package subpath. It must be used with an options object.

import reactStrictBabelPreset from 'react-strict-dom/babel-preset';

export default function babelConfig() {
return {
presets: [
[reactStrictBabelPreset, { debug: true }]


Preset options

  • debug: boolean (optional). Default is false. If set to true there will be debug information included in the generated code. For example, rendered elements include a data-element-src attribute containing sourceMap information about the filename and line-number responsible for rendering the element.
  • dev: boolean (optional). Default is false. If set to true there will be development logs included, and styles will not be extracted to static CSS (but injected at runtime.)
  • platform: 'web' | 'native' (optional). Default is web. The target platform; this must be set to native for React Native builds.

Preset methods

  • generateStyles(rules): Web only. Accetps an array of collected style rules. To generate a static CSS file, the styles must first be collected before being turned into a CSS string by this function. Next, the result should be written to a file by the build system. An illustrative example follows:
import reactStrictBabelPreset from 'react-strict-dom/babel-preset';

const styleRules = {};

function transform() {
const { code, metadata } = await babel.transformAsync(sourceCode, babelConfig);
if (metadata.stylex != null && metadata.stylex.length > 0) {
// collect styles from files
styleRules[id] = metadata.stylex;
// ...

function bundle() {
const rules = Object.values(styleRules).flat();
// generate CSS string from all collected styles
const css = reactStrictBabelPreset.generateStyles(rules);
// ...write css to file