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Build text layouts easily on Android!

TextLayoutBuilder uses a builder pattern to configure the properties required to create a Layout. The methods on this builder class are similar to TextView's. On calling build(), the TextLayoutBuilder creates a text Layout based on the properties set on it.

  • Create text layouts easily.
  • Reuse builders to create similarly styled layouts.
  • Cache layouts of commonly used strings.
  • Improve performance with FreeType cache warming.
Layout layout = new TextLayoutBuilder()
    .setText("TextLayoutBuilder makes life easy")
    .setWidth(400 /*, MEASURE_MODE_EXACTLY */)



TextLayoutBuilder uses a builder pattern to configure the properties for the Layout. Gone are those days of trying to set properties on a StaticLayout.


Same properties will return same Layout on subsequent build() calls. This reduces allocation on commonly used texts.

Glyph Warming

On 4.0+ devices, TextLayoutBuilder can warm up the FreeType font cache. By drawing these glyphs on a background thread onto a Picture, TextLayoutBuilder warms these glyphs and can help reduce their render time.


  • If using Gradle, add this to your build.gradle:
    compile 'com.facebook.fbui.textlayoutbuilder:textlayoutbuilder:1.7.0'
  • or, if using Maven:


  1. Set the properties on the TextLayoutBuilder:
    TextLayoutBuilder builder = new TextLayoutBuilder()
        .setText("TextLayoutBuilder makes life easy")
  2. Call build() on the builder to get a Layout:
    Layout layout = builder.build();
  3. Use the Layout in your code:

Additional Usage

  1. Cache the layouts for commonly used strings by turning on caching in the TextLayoutBuilder.
  2. Glyph warming provides significant performance boost for large blurbs of text. Turn this on and pass in a GlyphWarmer for the TextLayoutBuilder.
        .setGlyphWarmer(new GlyphWarmerImpl());
  3. Import a style defined in XML into a TextLayoutBuilder object.